Phenomenology *

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The male of the species emerges from the slag pit
And must scramble rapidly
First crawling on all fours
Struggling to stand strident
Learning velocity, navigation on the pocked terrain
Becoming different than the existence medium
Becoming alien from the existence medium
Becoming unrecognizable to the existence medium
Becoming poison to it

More prone to failure
The male of the species
Compelled to limb crawl
To become genii,
Or else fall eternally backward into the slag pit of the mother
The XY chromosome extends beyond the familiar into lengthwise formation

The living land
A thicket of sphinxes
Potential snags and solvents
Seductive sirens that would take them down
To addiction, to criminality, to confusion

Those brave enough to return into the bowels of the earth
To scoop up metals, solid state materials
Were called shaman, were called earth midwives, were called miners,
metallurgists and smiths
They would take the densest material from the womb of the mother
And by tormenting and weathering processes
Force and forge the dense
Into tools most fine
Tools that would conduct light and information
The  spiritizing of matter
The  ephemeralization of substance
One day all inanimate things will sing with life!

The female of the species
Finds less danger
In merging with the mother
An equilateral triangle
Dwells peacefully that way
Doing what the mother has always done

She will also use the base of that triangle
As a springboard
Into unseen worlds and uncharted territory!

*     *      *     *     *

 Take Yer Fangs Out of Sylvania   

    (Proposal for Washington DC/Transylvania identity swap project)

Yesterday I awakened with a vision in Trans Sylvania...

It was a theme park but a primordial one of great mystery, and it had various zones.  

The waking dream began with  haunting words issuing from my

lips, whispering, reiterating

    Take the fangs out of Sylvania,  at the Primordial Park in TransSylvania.

Trans sylvania became a theme park for flight through

forests, similar to what we forest shamans from the Amazon do after drinking ayahuasca.


    We fly over existing and ancient parks.

The medicine enables intelligence to scan enormous/expansive tracts in intricate detail.

(biospheric tracts, historical theme tracts,  genetic maps including breakage and instructions in mending, psychogeographies with themes of love or betrayal going back through beginningless time.)


The first region of the primordial park was dedicated to the reversal of vampirism,

A reverse vampire park,

where we reverse engineer:

1. personal tendencies; 2. social

tendencies; 3. extraction

industries (including petroleum extraction, strip mining, open pit mining);

4. morbific influences; 

It’s a diagnostic and

   remediation reverse vampire zone of a larger primordial system.

In an exhibit embedded in a bank of trees, we learn the different

disguises of vampires.

In a MU

   room  hidden in a tamarask bush

we modulate electro-magnetic fields to train the nervous system to sense the

   vibration or tug of personal/

interpersonal vampirism.

We examine our own jaws for the

   beginnings of little fangs.

We find means to Re-gem subterranea,

undermine plutonium, grow new

habitat from wasteland.

We learn different means to source Creation energy without taxing

The other selves.





The next zone of the park, we found and named


Which lines the womb of life after death, 

with transit midwives, 

merciful sisters

of postcorporealis, trans bardo brothers,

rides and decoctions that incite transgravitas memory.

Sarcophagos removal services.

Sisters in the shedding of skins. 

Sisters in transgravitas

serve to shed heavy husks.

Lose your husk with ease at the hands of the

    Merciful Sisters of Ex corporealis.

The life review team helps

    us to revisionm reframe and redeem

the events of our lives by seeing from a place of wisdom.

The record keepers help us to create plans for an opera, scores

built from

sampled pieces of  the sound collage of our lives from infancy onward,

the audiobiography.

The life review team

may be revisionist record keepers.

Revisionist doesn’t mean cheating, only seeing anew.


    This is also a place where Trans bardo Brothers help us after

passing by singing next to our transit beds, before and many days

after transgravitas, they let us know what we may be viewing in

bardo country and how to navigate there.


People closing in on post-corporeal transit of all ages are called queenlies and

kinglies.   It is a place where we engage with shroud and

sarcophagus designers and envision and score the ceremony.


The next zone, Ovopanspermia, is a womb-like space for collective dreaming which

includes an enormous egg-shaped pool encircled by sperm-shaped

pods or isolation tanks.  The great pool is a collective meeting

space where dreamers convene and project their visions onto the

dome using whatever sip and blow technologies some of us use when we are

immobilized in wheelchairs and sipping and blowing letters or

images onto computer screens.   This zone of collective visioning

is called Ovopanspermia. 

    Between Transcorporealis   and Ovopanspermia

(preparation for collective birth through the minds eye.)  are two

zones of death and rebirth. 

In fact, Boys Destroy and Girls Re-vamp

at the Primordial Park of Death and Rebirth. 

But (the boys protest)

sometimes it's the opposite and Girls destroy and Boys re-vamp!

For the boys there will be an explosive themepark and it will be

easy to find ugly buildings to blow up with a futuristic and historical

in fact fullspectrum armamentum,

and explosives in many shades and colors, all kinds of projectiles.

Then girls come in and

    spray fast growing mold on everything and make planters for

growing new habitat for living things, or for sticking pretty things together in clusters...

or vice versa,

boys revamp by making beautiful

the chaos of destruction the girls have made.


In the death-rebirth zone we witness how death gives rise to life,

in all aspects of creation, and how the darkness serves the light,

which is difficult to see through the media hypnosis.  We can peer

through the media hypnosis and see that we are driven to battle so

that we can commune with each other and Mystery in an extreme

state that delivers us forward by dropping our skins

Lizbeth Rymland c. 2002

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