Temple of Yes
First of two poems read on opening night of COSM in New York:
"Vision of Desert she-Hermit at Gora Konder Crater"
Last February, I was traveling
To the Gora Konder Crater where the desert hermits hang happily
On tall posts that touch the sky
Grinning with teeth so long and bright they shine in the dark
I saw a pioneer woman hangng there
She was barely aware of my presence
This giant long-boned cross-eyed pioneer woman
Slaked head to toe in riparian marsh mud
Hanging high above dry land as if crucified.
I saw she was alive
When she came aware of the hissing of Naga snakes
Her slow gaze quickened to alight on two fighting snakes on the desert
She had a digging pole in her left hand
And when she cast that staff down
The two snakes coiled around it
To produce the emblem,
the cadusceus.
I knew then that she was not just what she appeared to be
I realized she was Hermes suspended in disguise
Hermes, that archetypal force that makes the temporal world appear
Then he-she opened her mouth to speak
He she said
“It’s the germinating seed of situations one has to clarify.
To act on that which has entered the physical world is already too
Alpha and theta waves cascade across the entire brain.
The heart opening like a flower
Then it is possible for human and planet to come into resonance.
From moment to moment the imperishable one,
alternately waking and slumbering,
incessantly revivifies and destroys the whole of creation.
Then she pointed at me with an accusatory finger that lengthened just
to brush the pock-mark on my cheek:
You always think nature comes to an end, but she is always just at the
You always think nature knows her aims, but it goes much further still.
You always think nature has given everything, but Nature has more in
* * * * *
"ONLY THE CORPSE WAS GUILTY"I'm a soldier in old Scotland
A female soldier
I've entered into soldiering inadvertently, almost
Conscription came on due to an error in my will
And somehow my nightshirt
Which is raw silk (and the color of rawhide)
Is covered with blotches of human blood
I don't remember the killing that I've done
It's my first day of soldiering
I don't remember now if it was my hand
That did the killing (the forgetting is significant)
But I wear the bloody nightshirt
As a gesture of pride.
Even if I hadn't done the killing
I wear it into the royal manor house
Where dinner is to be served.
In fact, I am the only one at the dinner table
Cannibalizing a human body
It is obviously a human body
It is a full-human form on the table before me
Beneath my fork and knife
And I am eating it.
I soon realize that it is not polite
Nor acceptable
To eat of human meat
But now I need to dispose of the body
For other meat.
I am not overly embarrassed
Only inconvenienced temporarily
By the relatively simple act
Of having to dispose of the body
To replace it with acceptable meat.
As I stroll through the manor house
It occurs to me
That my bloody nightshirt is not acceptable
As dinner attire
And I am more puzzled at the hypocrisy
Of the establishment than I am ashamed
Though I do seek a means to change my attire
In wandering the manor house in search of a dressing room
I become aware of a little drama
Between two of the royal ladies
In full European costume
Who are engaged in some kind of lesbian chase
One is chasing the other
And the other consents to finding a hiding a place
Which is hidden from most of the diners
And the kilt-clad soldiers
But not from me.
I can see one lady fist-fucking the other
I can see the pleasure of that activity
And I want to partake in it.
I feel as if I am one of them,
Or both of them
Or of interest enough to both of them
That my chance at this lesbian activity
Is imminent
If not immediate
As my observation.
Upon waking I had my residual judgements
As if the whole dream displayed
An ethical sliding or slippage (on my part)
As if killing, cannibalizing and fist-fucking women
Were symbols of my moral slippage
But in the dream
I felt little or no guilt at all
Only slight adjustment in behavior
Whenever it occurred to me
That my instincts were not properly alligned
With the other diners
The royal lords of war
Their hypocrisy was more apparent to me, inside dreaming,
Than my shame and my hypocrisy.
This is the inverse of my general trend
As my self-derision usually presides and overrides any tendency to
And now weeks later as I look at the corpse of our relationship
I imagine that what my soul managed to swap with your soul
In our many nights sleeping side by side
Was your guiltlessness in the face of your killing
And now that our battle is over
The corpse remains
As the only guilty party.
* * * * *
* * * * *
"Two-Headed Hermaphroditehood"(Friction and Cross-Fertilization on Earth and Other Planets)
When we become connected to the jouissance that lives naturally at our
cores, battles change in texture. One feels suddenly more alive in
these conjugating wars between self and other. Various streams of feelings
commingle to quicken these conjugations. If one is merely tender to
the suction of tears of “poor me baby” And these tears, yes, are also holy
until they irresistably devour the entire attention into a small hole
and away from the entire spectrum of available feelings that want to be
born. During intimate wartime, one may feel the quickening that is the clean
rush of battle, and the thrilling shock of finding one’s self in combat with
the one most loved. There is the sublimation or flight of ancient guilt.
I mean the ball bearings and silt of ancient guilt grow wings when one is
accused and surprised by the false accusations , one feels the self
come through finally innocent. There is the flight of sooty birds as the
feeling guilty self becomes innocent. There is the sacred cry of OUCH that
spontaneously spins the membrane wall for the first time, the fresh
temenos for keeping safe the next flowering of green heart and soul. The error
of lapsing solely into victimhood or child’s tears in the face of nature or
god’s apparent betrayal, is first that it denies the subject the ultimate
gift born from the points of friction, the transfer of gifts between
apparent enemies becoming selves. It is also the error that would
narrow the channel that seeks to open wide to the flows of all the other emotional
fields that wish to tender/inform/ the battlefield in order to volatize
the fixed and fix the volatile.
To deliver at last the ancient warring twins, the king and queen, into
glorious two-headed hermaphroditehood.
* * * * *
i am sleeping alone in the pampas grasses. blue tracers search and awaken
me. the grasses are horizontally streamed by these low-flying pulses.
conductivity of sapphire hid in the wind. they catch me in their lightning
nest and open my innards. my rapid eye is cast on the beating wings of a
dove in heat. pineal switch echolocates the beat frequency. the numbers
spin rings around the twinning glands. my pulse races to match the pulse of
the bird and suddenly i am feverish and fertile, it is my whiteness, the
field is my wingspan. i am suspended in this sweetness, a kind of high
frequency desire, eyes panicked by visual blanking. this is recorded on the
hypothalamus and when the bird escapes i am suspended there and continue to
drink. something so sweet at the roof of my mouth. the gland persists in
counting. the inner eye (difference in fractions of a cycle) is counting.
then something still faster comes along, first light echoes the cheering
birds and then dragonflies at 24 mph, their wings beating alternately (front
ones rising as the rear ones fall.) again, the pineal switch echolocates
the beat frequency. eye contact with the dragonfly, introduces me to its
phalanx, disappearances, patterned flight. it cocks its head to the side. a
question. the dragonflies and the tracers escape, parting the grasses like
spectral water. now two sets of numbers circulate the lobes of my brain. i
am searching for the third set. vestigal eye flares and fades, the foveas
in the outer eye adjusted. the monocular is good, the binocular still
better. density of storm petral nests varies over the plateau. the pattern
of nests against the swarm of drumlins yields the third set. three sets of
numbers changes the cadence. (in fractions of a cycle how the light
polarizes on the eye.) the rhythmic cadence is a slotted cage, and the cage
is a humming and buzzing diorama, switched by the phase, the pitch and the
cadence. down to the thinnest heterotic string. the first boy gambler
throws the dice and once again the anamorphic warping of the land into an
entirely new face.
Holy Spirit!
Great Mystery!
What is the name of this crowd creature, these others?
What are their medicines, their powers, their gifts?
Extend my senses and touch my heart so that I may know these others
As myself…
For all heaven and hell are breaking loose
For different kin
At the same time.
In the coming days of transition
As we cross the threshhold from the world we have known
To a different world
She wants us to stay together
Hold on!
And holding on means
Riding nature’s waves.
And riding nature’s waves means
Knowing the extended body.
And knowing the extended body means
Fanning out in one seamless wave
Like Nurses on Horseback
Born from the wild heart of nature.
For prey only becomes apparent to predator
With the awkward, self-conscious gesture
That separates his movements
From the flow of the glade.
We drink each other in!
We drink each other in!
And in this way we grow our majestic centers.
The temple is a school
The temple is a pool
Where we grow this telepathy, this selflessness
Through ecstatic communion.
The temple is a pool
Where these heightened sense faculties unfold
As the organs in an embryo.
All Heaven is about to break loose
Though for this we will need one another
Be aware of the bitter spirit
Or…Take care of the bitter spirit
Listen to its complaints and give it a home in the Mother’s heart.
Above all, let us guard our communion with each other.
Let all boundary itches, snags and fixations
Fall off forever
Like little burnt-black pies.
There are blind kin
Ecstatic as Jaques Lusseyran
Who lost his eyesight
At nine
But felt so deeply fed!
So fluid! so fine!
So lit from within!
That he could perceive ALL of life
From the inside
He knew every soul, all species
Intimately, Immediately.
We have forest kin
Like the Santi of the River Llushin
Whose ancestors
Inhabit the boulders that sit tall in the river.
Why? I asked Don Rafael
Why would a wild spirit
Want to dwell
In something dense as a boulder?
The boulders are airports
He said
Interdimensional airports
Where the ancestors commune with other vast minds
From the inside
In order to know them better.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within us!
And all we need do,
To open the way
Is to invite the Holy Spirit
To join our breath
To touch our hearts
And the dead hearts of other selves
Shrunken by a well
Of Remembered insults injustices, guilt and hurt pride.
The Queendom of Heaven is within us!
I was flying about in a stadium.
My body was acrobatic
And streaming with delight.
The stadium was populated
By different kinds of beings
Mostly hominids
Others with developed faculties
Reflected in their forms,
Combinauts like Electric Eelgirls
And handsome Hawkboys
And Strandwalkers
From the Transvaal
With large and elegant humbleheads
And long, spindly limbs.
As I visited each being
One by one
There was a deep recognition
Love that was mutual
And ages old
And there were distinct qualities of love…
There was the love that delivers great courage.
There was the love that presses us to the sacred earth
With the gravity of awe and devotion.
There was the love that comes with reunion
After the illusion of tragic loss.
There was the love that gives powers in emergency
Like superhuman strength
And spontaneous hypnotic skill.
There was the love that lends us
The wobble-free velocity
To do our best.
And there was the love of the Creator for her creations
When I awakened from the stadium I asked
What is this?! This is a school, she said.
This is a future school that awakens the entire being.
As we flash back and forth between this world
And the other worlds we inhabit
We find soulful zones, like that stadium
We find soulful zones
Electro-lit, intensified
It is our human work
To bring this quickening intensity
Forward from the unmanifest into matter
Which is why we travel sometimes
Through darkness
Humans feeling lost
We’re never lost
We bring light and friction to the darkest matters
To enliven and know them better!
We come to know our enemies as ourselves.
With holy curiosity and detachment
We make a home for strange thoughts and feelings.
We dissolve heavy matter.
We coagulate spirit.
We draw back like a leaf
Into the the deep sweetness of her skirts
To know, to feel
She is looking out from behind my eyes.
My gaze is resting within her gaze.
And everywhere she directs my attention from inside, turning my head
way and that
She is showing herself looking back from the other selves.
Or she is showing me what needs my attention.
What is this creature before me?
WHY? is this god in a state of disrepair?!
Are its elemental needs taken care of?
Does it need air, water, sunlight, food, touch?
Does it need us to use our xray eyes, our sonar
To sense its medicines, its powers, its gifts?
We use Every breath as a prayer
Every sneeze as a vote
To seed the substrate with our hope and our vision
The pharoah’s crown has a 3rd eye cobra, the Uraeus
A reminder of the ejaculit stream of elementals
That fly out continuously from our third eyes
Elementals of thoughts desires
Blue moving pictures born from the awakening heart
Rapidly rise and shoot through our third eyes
To seed the substrate pool with our hope and our vision.
We remember the temple is a school
And temple schools are pools reflecting the imagination
Of Nature
And temple schools are fields of ecstatic communion
That give rise to diverse life forms
And many creations
Collectively born.
And sometime soon
We will return to the streets, meadows, fields and forests
And sometime soon
We will turn off our TVs and computers
To be together.
In love with each other and the imagination of Nature
This is something the Temples of Yes are made for!
Lizbeth Rymland c. 2005