Alchemical Circus *
Alchemical Circus
We need to create an environment that delights all facets of the
free-ranging orphans that roam here. We will make a place that thoroughly
kindles and ignites the marauding orphans in all their exquisite diversity.
This includes the haunted ones, the god-intoxicated, the lanky ones besot by
glossalia, the steady state and futuristic, the strong, the swift, the
physically deft, the thieving ones and the prodigiously erotic. We will
outdo the penny, video and porno arcades by engaging all systems of the
orphan's bodyminds. Their nervous systems will certainly be extended and
amplified. Their lymphatic systems will be finely tuned. Skeletal armature,
musculature, all joinery will be rendered dexterous and limber.
Imaginations, voices will be opened, both deeply rooted in ancestry and
skyrocketeering pluridimensional. This place is a learning environment,
more circus-like than institutional. It is a place firmly nested in the
dreamtime, the way things could go from here, a strange but recurring dream
of evolution.
The future of our species depends on physical ecstasy. The so-called
"ephemeralization" of technology, (tools becoming smaller and lighter in
weight), will later become the incorporation of technology, meaning: into
the body, the things will be swallowed, or disappearing altogether, will be
expressed by the body's innate capability. When we can play like animals,
when our sensory apparatus can be extended without the clanking metallic
appendages of technology, when we can transport and communicate at a
distance freely and without weighty tools and vehicles, we will ecstatically
begin to arrive at the exhilarating embodied life that we were made for.
The Alchemical Circus will take its progeny from its current evolutionary
stage, from this consensus reality, always keeping its eye at the most
mysterious center center, found on the outermost fringes of the wasteland.
Historically, the circus or fairground has stretched our physical consensus
limits by housing freaks of nature, from the strangely deformed to the
contortion-prone and acrobatic. The circus has always welcomed and displayed
the evolutionary canaries, those who push the envelope and risk their
figures and lives to discover for the rest of us what is possible.
Children need to begin practice for the next phase immediately. The old
cultural forms are exhausted, as is the biosphere, from our persistent
scratching away at its lifeblood and metals to make things familiar and
useless to us. This desert, this waste land must be made ready for an
oasis, in the form of an alchemical circus, Fellini-like, a practice and
demonstration ground for the strange evolutionary flowers.
The first form of this oasis is an apparition, a mirage. It is an ecology
of magicks spanning from nature's mystery to special F-X, holographics and
the cunning enticements of sister coyote. But, just as the repetitive acts
of the charlatan, just as a sleight of hand chronically repeated begins to
turn physical phenomena in its successive wake, this mirage we are making is
tracing its reflection along the cracks and crevices of the desert
landscape, stirring it lightly for birth.
The oasis culture is also born from its links to the present sociosphere.
To be born it must issue from lifeforms at least recognizable to people, so
we imagine a loose confederation of mature, successful renegades living in
proximity on the land as the mentors of the free-ranging orphans. The
environment becomes more practically a diversified guild. The orphans
become useful apprentices to the mentors of their choosing, the mentors
become useful guides for the orphans. An autonomous reality community of
free-lance administrative assistants led by a sexy executrix likewise rove
the land and are available to the resident wizards as scavengers, writers,
runners, messengers, artful adfolk, spies. Practicality begins to be born
The theatrical Alchemical Circus lives as the flowering heart of the
community and it works shamanically on various flaws, miasms, hindrances
embedded in the human soulstream. For, if we as humans were as prone to
making heaven on earth as we are to making hellworlds, if we were adept at
dreaming breathtaking possible worlds and manifesting them as our major
pastime, we would first have to transmute the dark entelechy spun from years
of collective bad thinking.
So this is why I've tentatively named this place an Alchemical Circus. The
two major psycho-physical tenets that live at the hearts of every ring are:
#1. The Transformation of Waste and #2. The Protection and Promotion of
Biodiversity. Same as the spiritual principles of alchemy. Waste is
transformed by using everything available, from biocides to space trash to
the tragic blow to the heart you received from your one true love.
Environmental microorganisms rapidly trade genetic bits of DNA amongst
themselves in order to make whatever comes into their midst, however
unfamiliar, into food or energy. The first objective is to unbind the
evolution of the human soulstream through the eradication of the flaw that
makes us a moribund race.
Alchemy: The man-made arts of imitating nature's evolutionary objective.
Nature's evolutionary objective: To take dense, inert matter and refine it
into its myriad forms and back home again. How the weathering of
psychophysical pain, the shocks and blows of existence, reveal the
indwelling soul nature, like tempering will do for gold and pressure for
diamonds. The alchemical work stresses inchoate, undifferentiated matter in
order to move it toward its highest realization of individuated form, it
quickens material to the point of ephemera, spiritization. The dross, the
poisons turned, transformed and rendered anew at increasingly heightened
levels of energy and nourishment. The man-made arts of imitating nature's
evolutionary objective of spiritizing and awakening matter, of turning
inert, moribund substance into high vibratory intelligence.
Once upon a time when we were godlike, work was a spiritual adventure, all
of our actions were conducted in order to make divine habitat of the
personal innards. Ever since the workers of the world ceased to be
alchemists...when the phone lines were cut from the land of the ancestors...
Nature was wasted, human effort and energy wasted because the work of the
hands was no longer in spiritual relation with the stuff of the innards.
Now the laborer's time is wasted in the crafting of inert material into more
inert material. The byproduct of actions performed without connection to
spirit equals Filth. This makes our people reckless and destructive, this
renders spirits into zombielife plundering the landscape, making more and
more objects that are useless to us.
The religion of this time is the religion of survival, which,
simultaneously is the religion of the Transformation of Waste. The language
of this religion is Biodiversity, the arcane but beautiful tongues spoken in
the interdependence between ecologies of exquisite lifeforms.
What form does the Alchemical Circus make in space and time?
Its physical design is an organic, growing, biomorphic thing based on the
architecture of arachnids. To attempt a conceptual design for curriculum we
may imagine a target-like (web-like) interdisciplinary configuration of
seven circles in concentricity. The expanding exterior and the deepening
interior echolocate to create the mid-ranging rings. The concentric rings
of the circus are a map of a conceptual design, are not indicative of
physical urban planning, but of the necessary elements to begin and sustain
an environment that thoroughly engages the free-ranging orphans that reside
With deeper resolution we begin to see the people and action on each of the
consecutive rings:
Surrounding but intrinsic to the circular labyrinth is the Exterior
Wilderness where we are introduced to the mind of nature. The Exterior
Wilderness is populated by all of the lifeforms and beings that dwell on the
land and subterranea, both in and out of this time. The landscape stores
physiographic and historic memory. Its complexity has infinite detail for
practical study, for the development of both theoretical and applied
The Exterior Wilderness is the place where both orphans and mentors pass
their time in communion with mystery. It is the site for unstructured
challenges both to the body as well as to the courage of the soul. It is an
observatory. If the next design phase in evolution is biomorphic, the
systems and artifacts of the future technology based on biological dynamics
and lifeforms, the Exterior Wilderness is the observatory for the future
designer/engineers. Spirallae, meander patterns, branching forms, insect,
bird and animal architecture; the form and function of natural lifeforms
provide clues to the development of fluidics, aerodynamics, ventilation,
hibernation, insulation, estivation... all of the strategies of nature may
be studied and imitated here.
At the center of the cyclone is the Interior Wilderness, and this place has
as much radiance and undefined potential as the Exterior Wilderness. The
curriculum of the Interior Wilderness is the curriculum of a mystery school.
The phenomenal aspect of the Interior Wilderness is the Imaginal. Its
physical aspect is nothing less than the theatrical demonstrations of the
Alchemical Circus which operate on the ills embedded in the human
soulstream. Humans have always suffered from morbidity, war reflex, hunger
for gold, hatred, sloth, torpor, worry and restlessness. The ancestral
miasms to undergo shamanic deriddling range from the Circus Tuberculis
(operating on the inability to assimilate light) to the Circus Carcinosis
which surfaced in Atlantean times (a disease of inhibition). Carcinosis was
born in reaction to overuse, overexpression of one aspect which gave rise to
the Circus Syphilis born in Lemurian times, according to Alice Bailey.
These circus manifestations don't begin in beauty, but they grow in beauty
as the night opens its diaphanous veils to the great unknown. Other
circuses operating on morbidity are designed to call in the future root
races who are as full of life as we were as full of death. These will be
designed and erected each year by visionary impresarios who double as
physicians of the soul. The ghost of Jorge Luis Borges will come. Akira
Kurosawa will come. The 100 year old shaman and showman, Marcos Guerrero of
Cotacachi will direct the action from the top of a flagpole. The Interior
Wilderness of the Alchemical Circus is the demonstration place where the
experiments conceived deep within it are made manifest to the naked eye. It
is the domain of the spectacle, where sleight of hand repeated brings on
phenomenal change.
The Exterior Wilderness and the Interior Wilderness echolocate, communicate
to inform the life on the other planes. The daily work of each of the
spheres are initiated by elder wizards, inventors, philosopher-queens,
genius handy-men who have already established their work and systems of
support in the world and are free to oversee and govern the incremental
development of experiments necessary to the evolution of their people.
So the outer rings are more physical in nature, and cater to the practical,
physical needs of future populations that will inhabit or work on the land.
The applied sciences that take place in the Exterior Wilderness involve the
work of restoring the earth, of learning and applying principles that
stimulate the renaissance of the landscape. Its economic sustenance may
come from wildlife organizations with an interest in seeing the return of
endangered or extincted populations that are wildly missed by the ecosystem
and the human species. Living populations will be reintroduced in staged
succession based on long observation and research in physiographically
similar bioregions.
The sixth rung from the interior is called The Biomorphic Design Theater.
It is dedicated to the physical support and comfort of the people living in
the Alchemical Circus. This is where the systems principles of the
non-human, exterior world are applied to the design of man-made artifacts
and systems that de-centralize power, that provide local self-reliance in
the domains of: food, shelter, energy, materials, waste, camouflage and
transport. The land is studied for its intrinsic intelligence in providing
food for peoples, in creating self-sustaining, interdependent ecosystems
that, after intelligent land design and planting, become low-maintenance
gardens of eden providing food for communities without the intervention of
extensive human effort.
As is described in Bill Mollison's principles of Permaculture, the ley of
the land, the flow patterns of water, wind, earth and light, are observed;
the interdependence of vegetation in an ecosystem, the interdependence of
vegetation and animals are observed to determine the appropriate design and
implementation of landscape architecture. No building, waterway, arboreal
windbreak or shrub is placed or planted without having six or seven
operational dynamic functions in that placement.
In the Biomorphic Design Theater structures such as: termitaries, spider
web-housing, bat caves, subterranean tunneling systems are studied to inform
building of unobtrusive, element-inclusive structures omni-considerate of
terrain, climate and the needs of the species that make this place their
home. The history of creature lifestyles on this land, the best possible
design strategies carefully culled and selected, will inform building and
inventing a variety of artifacts. Vortex towers; hydrowind electric systems;
shiny solar pockets that warm, insulate and ignite fires; balloon
transponders adapted from the globular bag of varnished silk of the
ballooning spider; adhesion based on the thistle and burr; the highly
sophisticated more-rapid-than-human communication strategies evolved by
microbial societies; the energy amplification fluidics of peculiar South
American beetles and bats with bodies bigger than their wingspans. The
ghosts of Victor Papanek will come, as well as Victor Schauberger, these two
Victors devoted their lives to the teaching of the design strategies
embedded in nature.
The objective of this domain is to create technologies that are as
aesthetically beautiful and inspiring as they are practical. The materials
used for construction are biologically based, or with the use of special
additives, quickly biodegradable. The ultimate work of the engineers is to
make the community locally self-reliant, meaning not dependent or addicted
to the fuels and tools of giant corporations.
The fifth ring in the concentricity of the alchemical circus is the domain
of the Future Human Body. The education that is available here, the realm
of exploration includes both the outer limits of the bodies capabilities, as
well as the inner depths of the body's mysteries and restorative powers. We
have noticed the evolutionary objective of the circus is to expand the
species consensus reality of what is physically possible. This is the realm
where physical performers, athletes and medicine people collide to
investigate human potential and regeneration. The body is studied as a
template for different forms of governance, urban planning, sacred science.
We familiarize ourselves here with the songs and secret codes of internal
organs as well as their occult significance.
There are orphans that need this kind of challenge. The physical genius
that one finds in certain athletic, acrobatic children, needs a context of
training. Some kids need the endurance challenge, some require the balance
challenge, some desire the extremes of malleability/plasticity/agility
taught by the human pretzel; for others it is sheer velocity. The fifth
ring is a place for futuristic physicians, those maestros born to
investigate the depths of the body, the roots of pathology, the inverse of
pathology as cure, the mysterious law of similars intrinsic to homeopathy.
In tribal cultures the little physicians begin their training at four years
old. The lessons and laws of the body are unthinkably vast. The human's
ability to transcend pain and to find a panacea in the poison, the doorway
in the wound, the disease as metaphor, all of this can occur as education in
the fifth realm.
The next domain is dedicated to technological research and development.
Because of its proximity to the Interior Wilderness, it is less concerned
with practical physical security and comfort, and more involved with the
extension of the nervous system, the ephemeralization and incorporation of
technologies into the body, the transfer of military technologies to
cultural and evolutionary applications. We may imagine, for example, a
holographic landscape that teases, seduces, threatens and tests the wits of
marauding teenagers moving across it. Ephemera such as the apparitions of
wily girls, lascivious men, ghosts of loved ones, aboriginals, wise
grandmothers, threatening gangs, allies, enemies, all of these will coax the
kids from the video arcades and back into the wild. But who will create and
implement this cultural manifestation if not the scientists currently tied
up in making germ warfare and plutonium production plants? This is the
alchemical transformation of the waste of techne, where we move toward a
science of holy curiosity and technology of the sacred.
And how will we learn to fly without the obtrusive and clanking
contraptions called airplanes? And how will we learn to fall from heights,
jump to heights like felines without injury? And how will we begin to grow
gills to swim under the seas great distances without those cloying rubber
skins called wetsuits and that heavy oxygen gear? And how will we begin to
grow fovea on the eyes like the hawk or kingfisher, to be able to
microscope, and space probe sans metallics, to be able to communicate
distances, see distances without making more space trash, how can we do it
and who will do it if our scientists are busy piercing the ozone with new
holes made by superatmospheric lightning rods?
So this area, these spinning rings around the twinning glands that wed and
marry the pineal and pituitary at the center, this band of action will be
referred to as the Tech Transfer place, because our piece of land is
strangely proximate to the national laboratories of Los Alamos and Sandia
Mountains. We want to make a refuge for the visionaries that have been
caught for too long in these laboratories. We want to make a place that is
safe for them to dream in, to redeem themselves by creating an evolutionary
We next come to the place of the caravanserai, ... A place where gift
economies rule. The survival genius that lives here are the artists of the
jerryrig, bricolage, scavenger architects, low tech radio astronomers. This
is the alcheringa domain of walkabout sustainable resource gatherers and the
magically skillful wizards of the trading post. Firelit lookouts and
wayside shrines where friends can recline and tell their secrets learned
along the roads. Gaian economics is studied and practiced here,
cyclicities of gift circulation, non-hoarding arboreal economics, the
self-actualization economics of trees who become all that they can become,
freely giving of their seed, never thinking once of compensation, receiving
sun and minerals in abundance. Cross cultural bartering of wisdom from the
caravanseratti, best practices, aesthetic & practical wisdom from the
ancestral archives, the magically skillful races like the Bantu and the
Tuatha de Danaan. I'll trade you Uncle Zingana's x-ray vision for your
Great Aunt Celiwe's spontaneous camouflage.
The next domain is the place of the Electronic Elsewhere. This is the
archive where paper loads of great libraries are reduced from tonnage to
lightest silicon. This is the place of accessing distant subcultures, in
order to import and export research, in order to meet populations of distant
orphans and wizards face to face on the big screen. Local breakthroughs in
science are exported from here using what is currently known as "electronic
publishing." Video and films are made and exported from here, as well as
imported and viewed here. This is the visual and archival communications
central. Even the Library of Alexandria can be contacted in this place, the
research materials may be instantaneously downloaded to disk. The reference
librarian in her Toga is smiling beneficently down from the floating screen.
The visual communication will function like Kit and Sherrie's* hole in space
connecting our time to every time, our place to any place. And the people
from there can make eye contact with the people from here, the configuration
of strange crowd facing strange crowd reminding us of our nomadic days,
helping us to practice for crowd to crowd contact without warflex.
We are coming inward now, to the most mysterious center center. The domain
that envelopes the source, embryo-like, is the place where the great
impresarios from every land come to roost. This is a residency place where
artistic directors and witchdoctors collide, bioacousticians,
choreographers, high priests, oracles, penitente HAARP technologists,
costumers, choreographers and entomologists . The impresarios come yearly,
specially selected for their vision, with their chosen train of artisans and
designers. Each year the impresarios make their attempt at dreaming and
constructing an Alchemical Circus, an operation on the human soulstream,
that works to suck the morbid, the miasms, the contractions from the
diseased species, making the rest of this not only possible, but more than
likely. The Operations at The Alchemical Circus might fail many times,
before ever succeeding, leaving gaping x's and o's for mouths and heaving
bodies in its wake, leaving botched combinauts, messy fusions of eels,
wombats and men. But the potential far outdistances the dangers.
What's New with My Subject?
Suddenly we are luminous
Suddenly we are luminous... And the crowd, the once inanimate, enunciating. Everything reflects in the cells of every other thing. Then they bristle as if in wind. Then they take the cast of the outer image deeper and deeper into the diminishing well. This goes with the disappearing voices. Creature voices confounded, shrunken and cast one against others unfamiliar to it. The shrill of falcon against subsonics of bat. The hyena's surface geometry, rhythmic patterns, infinitesimal, so small to be almost nothing, then rises again to latch into roaring. Keening and hysterics, all non-humanly produced, comes clear lost again faceless. Then the way the speed of them streams and diminishes in volume against something, a petrified tree. Clicking of mishinged mandibles inadvertently resting on a switch. And the switch triggers the clown dance into nowhere into everywhere. The ignition and the velocity that makes the dark lagging into an animated revolver gaining light as it gains momentum. Gaining dimension and perspective from its quadrillion years. All adheres tightly to the spine. Hrdly brushes the side of yer face when yer jumbled recollection causes the factory to fall. The gases explode and in that light we see an eerily marvelous image of Hypatia's symbol-linked skins. And these symbols open into the massive regions curled quietly one into the other until now. Every living thing luminous. Every cell highly loquacious with scattered links to distant coalescence and decay. The way you play with the light and the glare. The way you begin to swallow what you recognize as something lost. That the familiar is strangely absent. And when lassooed you begin to rock with delight. Everything becomes food for your glossolilly cells. Everything speaks with rapturous delight. From the very large, to the very small. The flapping flesh on the dead man's rack also has something to say. Also seems to store at least static memory waiting to be moistened and fired into pitch. With all microcellulars and all organelles spinning and buzzing with news, no one notices the leaks. The leaks through which her sex comes through and lathers everything that has been dry. Every living thing. That the sex glistens and sings a purring hymn that casts the fishermen into the deep. The purring hymn that raises the twins from the dead, lordotic arching of the spine. Chaotic space patterns. Point space of nine or more dimensions. Delirium slips out of the twins jaws. The moist slippage confounding with something extremely rarefied that sings. The singing is not from an ordinary larynx, from the thorax of spin minus linear velocity. It enters the jaws of the gapers. It penetrates into the glottis and makes its home as a parasite would. Makes its logarithmic reflection in a reverberating pool. The reverberating pool connected to other pools by secret chambers. As in a glistening trogdolytic neighborhood of secret chambers. As in a glistening neighborhood of hidden chambers and singing ringworms lacey and racy to a draw. And underground the links are made. The libraries of the vegetables. The glowing hypothalamus that has received and stored all delicate whispers, the impressions that need to thrive and commingle with others. Hypothalamus knows what needs to be stored, quick and vibrant. The portion of the hidden skins rest lightly on the ground. Begin to bristle in the dark. Catch ignitions and tiny children act as messengers cross-fertilize, furtive, fertile, alive, every word electro-lit. The small movement that shakes the agromeglic down to the first rack of recall. The agromeglic who stored everything in his massive jaw. Whose great hands and great eyes examined the hole and the whole. Monstrous shoes. Helmets engineered with patterned signals to sustain his burdened heart. Fight to the bloody draw. Blood so so lively with manna. As if the blood itself has extraterrestrial intelligence and when it flows from his spine it knows where to go. It sets barns on fire. But the firelit barns are news shows and can be divined as messages from other regions, other times. All phenomena are read this way. Collisions, scratches on the skin, thermograph patterns on the pavement, jutting heads of visitors, town criers of events isomorphically linked, miscommunications deciphered, breakage fingered, shifts in velocity of an object anamorphically traced, smeared newsprint, the names of the obituaries linked into a symbiotic dance, the number of portals into thanatopolis, discarded human teeth and bones suddenly treasure, mathematical analysis of the confluence of race rivalries, the way morticians have begun to dance with the dead. We are speaking of the things presently used for scrying. That reading of entrails and their handling have catastrophic triggers elsewhere. How the heart touched by human hands opened a cistern in the Burmese market place. That the locals stumbled on that sink hole and took not of it for the first time in fifteen thousand years. The amphibians that had their wives in there. Children lost their lives in there. Lost memory. The scum that became the cure. The wound that became the salve. The curse that became the blessing. The shriek that became the unctuous moan. The wastrel that became a savior. All girls danced to the news of that cistern. Its odd function. Like when many kilograms of mass with markings of meaning fall down forever to be forgotten and then without warning are suddenly heaved upward to backright and revivial. And the revival burns skyward. Rotational movement. Motor revolvers. Dancing spins. Horizontal velocity. The churning of slip into pitch. All insects scurry away from the scene of the crime. All amphibians slither into the pitch, peer out from the pitch. The burrowing rodents emerge from their holes and race to the lakeside. Blacksmith ghosts stand alarmed outside the burning barn. The horizon thickly populated with insectival carriages and long drawn females who have driven for years. Tired girls would like to lie in checkers across the lawn. Fevers below. The plains become a patterned movement of color. The sky beckons the beauty upward. And some of the dauntless. Turbines spill wastrels with hard-ons and elongated angels coughed up from the sanatorium. Some of the freckled run across the littered lawn to catch bumblebees that speak in antique tongues. The dying is the most beautiful part. Infinitesimal calculus. So small as to be almost nothing. Line geometry. Mutational motricities, operators, homomorphisms. The linking of one language to another. The mingling of tongues between children of different tongues coming to strange lifeforms for their offspring to be spoken. And the offspring will be spoken and with the speaking, the leaking, the mutation of space. New languages and the warping of space in divine responsiveness. Like when the amputated man worshipped the holy whore and she moaned as if slaked to his adoration. The way time and space responds to this language is like that. The magnetism of the North Pole is warping Optics and Sonics and the singing populations. Space-time at the poles. The running dog on the Arctic shore an entirely different creature than the standing still dog. Four dimensions flattened against many dimensions of snows. No Eskimo cuts through space-time as he walks with the density of a laggard; he continuously coalesces within a snowfield reborn.
